
Creating a new article

Create article.

POST https://bottalk.io/api/articles

Creates a new audio article inside of a project.

Request Body

  "result": "ok",
  "id": "b49f2511d9033f313b8c0d361687cd5f"

Retrieving an aritcle by external_id

Fetch article.

GET https://bottalk.io/api/articles_external_id/{external_id}

response same as for retrieve an article method

Retrieving an aritcle

Fetch article.

GET https://bottalk.io/api/articles/{id}

Fetches an article by id

  "result": "ok",
  "article": {
    "id": "90ae27149dba7f5fbf4269b9318ba9cb",
    "externalId": "321654",
    "title": "Test title 5",
    "text": "Test text 09",
    "added": 1573133305,
    "status": "ready",
    "voice": "de-DE-ConradNeural",
    "lang": "de-DE",
    "url": "https://test.de/article.html",     
    "type": [
                   "Name": "TYPE_NACHRICHT",
                   "Score": 0.20319999754428864
                   "Name": "TYPE_KOMMENTAR",
                   "Score": 0.14839999377727509
                   "Name": "TYPE_LIVE_TICKER",
                   "Score": 0.12219999730587006
    "audio": "https:\/\/bottalk.io\/audio\/d67e6dd172ab320880a158fd17fcf4f4.mp3"

Retrieving multiple articles

Fetch multiple articles.

GET https://bottalk.io/api/articles?limit={n}&offset={m}

Fetches articles from the project.

Query Parameters

  "result": "ok",
  "article": {
    "id": "90ae27149dba7f5fbf4269b9318ba9cb",
    "title": "Test title 5",
    "text": "Test text 09",
    "added": 1573133305,
    "status": "ready",
    "url": "https://test.de/article.html",     
    "type": [
                   "Name": "TYPE_NACHRICHT",
                   "Score": 0.20319999754428864
                   "Name": "TYPE_KOMMENTAR",
                   "Score": 0.14839999377727509
                   "Name": "TYPE_LIVE_TICKER",
                   "Score": 0.12219999730587006
    "audio": "https:\/\/bottalk.io\/audio\/d67e6dd172ab320880a158fd17fcf4f4.mp3"

Updating an article

Update article.

PUT https://bottalk.io/api/articles/{id}

Updates a audio article.

Request Body

  "result": "ok",
  "id": "b49f2511d9033f313b8c0d361687cd5f"

Updating an article by external id

Update article by external_id

PUT https://bottalk.io/api/articles_external_id/{external_id}

Updates an audio article.

All params and responses same as for Update Article /api/articles/{id}

Deleting an article

Delete an article.

DELETE https://bottalk.io/api/articles/{id}

Deletes an article from the project.

  "result": "ok"

Article Status

Voice and Language fields

example: {"voice":"de-DE-ConradNeural", "lang":"de-DE"}

Last updated