Creating a new article
Create article.
Creates a new audio article inside of a project.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | The title of the article |
text* | string | The main content of the article. |
url* | string | The page url of the original article |
parse | boolean | Should BotTalk parse HTML inside of the article? |
labels | array | Labels to assign to the article inside BotTalk. |
externalId | string|null | uniq id for external control, this field in uniq, and if already exists we will answer by 400 http status code. |
voice | String | The voice from list for audify article |
lang | String | The language from list for audify article |
Retrieving an aritcle by external_id
Fetch article.
response same as for retrieve an article method
Retrieving an aritcle
Fetch article.
Fetches an article by id
Retrieving multiple articles
Fetch multiple articles.
Fetches articles from the project.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | Number of articles to retrieve |
offset | integer | Offset of the results if they are limited |
Updating an article
Update article.
Updates a audio article.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | The title of the article |
text* | string | The main content of the article. |
url* | string | The page url of the original article |
labels | array | Labels to assign to the article inside BotTalk. |
parse | boolean | Should BotTalk parse HTML inside of the article? |
voice | String | Voice "de-DE-ConradNeural" |
lang | String | de-DE,en-US, language |
Updating an article by external id
Update article by external_id
Updates an audio article.
All params and responses same as for Update Article /api/articles/{id}
Deleting an article
Delete an article.
Deletes an article from the project.
Article Status
status | description |
ready | the article is ready and audiofile exists |
processing | the audification is in progress |
waiting | the article is waiting to be audified |
rejected | the article is rejected by audio automation rules |
errored | the article contains an error which prevented audification |
Voice and Language fields
example: {"voice":"de-DE-ConradNeural", "lang":"de-DE"}
Voice | Lang (list separated by comma, you can choose one of them) |
echo | de-DE,en-US |
fable | de-DE,en-US |
alloy | de-DE,en-US |
onyx | de-DE,en-US |
nova | de-DE,en-US |
shimmer | de-DE,en-US |
de-DE-ConradNeural | de-DE |
de-DE-KatjaNeural | de-DE |
Last updated