Set up a Playlist

  1. Click Add Playlist in the project settings.

  2. Select a Name for your playlist.

  3. Choose a Playlist Type. You can create an automatic or manual playlist.

  4. Optional: Add an Intro or Outro Audio or Text and/or an audio between the articles.

  5. Click Create new Playlist.

Automatic Playlist

The automatic playlist is automatically updated every 10 minutes by BotTalk according to the current statistics.

You can create an automatic playlist based in following parameters:

  • Daily: Current date and time from 0h UTC+0 - to 24h UTC+0

  • Yesterday: Previous day from 0h UTC+0 - to 24h UTC+0. / 24 hours interval for yesterday.

  • Weekly: 7 days ago based on the current day. The weekly playlist won't start from Monday by default. Time range rounded same as for daily.

  • Monthly: 1 month ago (30 or 31 days ago), days are not rounded by start of the month and end of the month. Time range rounded same as for daily.

Manual Playlist

In the manual playlist, you can select individual articles and add them to the playlist. The articles are not updated automatically and remain in the playlist until they are deleted manually.

You can select following time range to find an article:

  • From - To: Free selection of the time range.

  • Today: Current day from 0h UTC+0 to 24h UTC+0

  • Yesterday: Previous day from 0h UTC+0 to 24h UTC+0 (not 24 hours ago).

  • This Month: Current month from first day of month to last day of month. If current date is 2022-11-11 then interval will be from 2022-11-01 to 2022-11-30, not 30 days ago.

  • Past Month: Previous month from first day of month to last day of month. If current date is 2022-11-11 then interval will be from 2022-10-01 to 2022-10-31, not 30 days ago.

Note: If you want to set up several playlist's on different websites, every Playlist requires an own Playlist Player.

Last updated